Saturday, February 9, 2008

Alternative Keyboard with a Different Look

I was looking for a keyboard for a young girl that has limited range of her arms and minimal and a light touch. The one stipulation for the keyboard was that she had to use her hands as much as possible but also have an alternative method of access. I think I found the keyboard for her to try in the Lomak had (light operated mouse and keyboard). This keyboard not only addressed a keyboard issue but also a mouse issue for this young lady. A hand or head pointer controls a beam of light that highlights then confirms the key or mouse functions on the keyboard. By confirming each key, only the correct selection is entered, which reduces errors and increases input speed.

I am on the waiting list for the Lomak so as soon as the device comes, I will let everyone know how it goes. There is a US vendor which is
UPDATE 3-4-08
I am just 5 days shy of a month since I contacted the company that makes the LOMAK. I still haven't heard when I will get my hands on this device. :0( It does not make me a happy girl. How are you to recommend a tool for a student if you cannot try it out. I will let you let you know if I finally get to try it. JFVH
UPDATE: 4-7-08
It is now over 2 months since I contacted the company that makes the LOMAK. I still haven't heard when I will get my hands on this device. It is very disappointing that I still haven't gotten my hands the keyboard. It is also frustrating because you expect something to happen and still nothing. OK - so I guess this device is now off my list of things to try. I am sorry but life is too short to wait with no response.

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